How to repair a broken or discolored tooth? All about crowns.

How to repair a broken or discolored tooth? All about crowns.

The healthy teeth in our mouths dependent on each other to help us eat and speak. The teeth work synergistically by having a tooth beside each other and having teeth across them as well. When one or more teeth are damaged or lost, it impacts the function, alignment and health of the others. It can negatively affect the chewing and the appearance of the smile or symmetry of face may change. If you are facing any of these problem with one or more of your teeth, a crown might be a solution for you. A crown can help to restore your teeth to its normal function and appearance.

What are Dental crowns?

A crown typically known as a cap is an artificial cover that is placed on the specific tooth that needs restoration. It helps restore a decayed or damaged tooth to its normal shape and size. This procedure is necessary when the original tooth structure is damaged or there is not sufficient tooth structure left to place a filling. It is also used to protect a tooth that is crooked or broken. A crown can also be used to change the shape of the tooth, to connect the bite or cosmetic problem, or to replace existing broken or poorly restored teeth. Crowns are made up of gold, other metals, or porcelain which makes them durable.

Crown is considered a  prosthodontic treatment in dentistry. It is strong and resistance is durable, this is why in some cases a crown is considered functionally superior to other esthetic procedures.

Types of Dental crowns?

There are few types of materials that are used to make dental crowns. The clinician’s selection for the material of the crown can verry depending on the reason for recommending the crown. Mainly it involves the cosmetic appearance, the function of the tooth, and the position of the gums.

  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
  • Metal and gold crowns.
  • Cosmetic crowns/ veneer
  • All resin crowns.
  • Stainless steel crowns.

When it is needed?

Here are some reasons why a crown can be recommended as a treatment option.

  • Teeth are weak because of the significant decay.
  • Root canal treated tooth is an indication of crown placement.
  • Teeth are fractured and need support.
  • Teeth are excessively worn down due to grinding, decay, or dental erosion.
  • The tooth is compromised because of large filling and needs support.
  • A crown may be needed for a cosmetic and functional enhancement.
  • A crown can be done if the teeth are significantly discolored (intrinsic staining).


Fitting a crown is a two-visit procedure.


First visit:

  1. During the first visit, the dentist will prepare and reshape the tooth by removing thin layer to make room for the crown.
  2. Anesthesia will be given to make the area numb.
  3. An impression will be taken of the prepared tooth with the surrounding and opposing teeth.
  4. The dentist will apply a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth before the patient leaves the office.
  5. Expect a wait for a week between the first and second visit. During this time the crown will be made by the lab.
  6. Meanwhile, the patient has to be careful with the temporary crown and avoid eating sticky and hard food.


Second visit:

  1. At the second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and replace it with the permanent one. He makes sure it restores the tooth to its proper shape, and the bit is checked to ensure the optimal function.
  2. If any modification is needed, the dentist will adjust the crown according to the need.
  3. Once the dentist is satisfied with the positioning, cement will be applied and the crown is positioned securely onto the tooth.

Pros of dental crowns 

  • Dental crowns look natural.
  • Crown can enhance the smile.
  • It can restore severely decayed teeth, in most cases.
  • To replace a missing tooth, crown is placed on dental implants to serve as a fixed functional tooth.
  • It can replace worn-out fillings.
  • It is the most common treatment of choice to restore previously heavily restored teeth with marginal break down.
  • The procedure is simple and painless (for the most part).
  • It varies to the situation and has a specific type for each one.
  • It is the considered durable restorative treatment.

Cons of dental crowns

  • A part of the tooth is removed and shaped in order to hold the crown.
  • It may need replacement if the correct type is not fitted to the situation.
  • It has a chance of fracture if not taken care of properly.
  • There is a chance of developing tooth sensitivity.
  • There is a chance of failed crown, if at home and professional dental care is not maintained.

Living with a crown

Once the crown is fitted to the tooth, it looks and feels like a real tooth (depending on the material that is used). As with all the other original teeth, the crowned tooth should be properly taken care of to avoid tooth fractures. Good oral hygiene can help to maintain and increase the life of the crown. It is recommended to

  • Brush and floss around the crowned tooth thoroughly to remove plaque biofilm or decay-causing germs.
  • See the dentist as per recommended intervals to get the crown checked and help to prolong the life of the crown.
  • Ask and get information about customized cleaning aids.
  • Eat balanced meals to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.


Crowning the crooked or worn-out tooth is a safe procedure in general. However, as with any procedure, there’s always a chance of complications. Here are a few which should be known by the patient.


  • It can cause an allergic reaction.
  • It ends up giving you sensitivity or discomfort.
  • If the crown is poorly fitted, it can cause a problem later.
  • It can cause nerve issues.


If you are looking for a dental clinic in Edmonton that can fix your smile, the Clean Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic is the place for you. We provide restorative treatments with the latest technology. procedures like filling, crowns, bridges, and invisalign are some of the many other dental services by Dr. Haider in the clinic. We can restore the missing teeth with fixed prosthetics to bring back your beautiful smile. call now on (780) 800-6655 and book your appointment right away.


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